Then the news came on – Jonathan K Benton

angel despairIt’s hard to blog deep every week. I have to mix it up because most of my creative energy is spent on my new manuscript. Sometimes an idea germinates and I’m driven into a flurry of blogging activity, like what happened here.

I’m sitting in front of the television after a day on the computer. It’s late Saturday night and I’m trying to scrape together something interesting to blog about. I can relate to Oscar Wilde when he said: ‘I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again’.

Then the news came on. It’s the 21st Century and there are wars popping up everywhere. Governments (not countries) are still behaving like playground bullies. Good people are suffering because we cannot sort out our shit. It makes me physically sick. Our children deserve to inherit a safer world. I’ve decided to leave you with three questions. If there are a whole lot more good people than bad in this world (and I believe there are), why does it sometimes feel like there are not? Is it just a case of a few power-drunk bad apples spoiling the bunch? How do we stop them?

My heart goes out to the good citizens of Ukraine and everyone else forced to live in fear.

Jonathan K Benton

Captain America: The Winter Soldier. And some people with whom I shared the theatre

captain americaI saw the latest instalment of Captain America  on Easter Friday and boy did I love it. He’s not the most powerful superhero in the Marvel universe but he’s one of the coolest – in a geeky kind of way. I give this movie a Wow rating.

Have you ever sat next to a popcorn rustler before? I didn’t know they existed until Easter Friday. I asked my partner why anyone would rustle a box of popcorn and she advised me that it shakes the popped popcorn to the top … apparently. I wanted to shake the man rustling the popcorn.

Why any parent would bring a toddler to an M-rated movie is beyond me. It’s very sad. I should have told the ushers. I think I will next time.

Finally – Darth Vader is the most powerful being in the universe. This is a FACT.

Jonathan K Benton

A piece on laughter and my two ‘all-time’ favourite jokes – Jonathan K Benton

laughterCatch 22 is one of my favourite books. It’s also one of the funniest books I’ve ever read. Colours and shades, tears and laughter. The saddest stories have the funniest scenes, as the author takes you on an emotional roller coaster.

Laughter saves lives – just ask the Clown Doctors. It pierces bubbles of sadness. It can also lift you up after hard times. Trust me, I know. I love getting the giggles, especially with my brother and sister. We think alike, you see. A simple look can summon uncontrollable laughter.

Laughter brings a sense of perspective to this crazy world. War might not exist if everybody could laugh just a little bit more. This Monty Python skit sums it up perfectly.

Sometimes laughing will be the last thing on your mind, but never forget how to, and try not to take yourself too seriously.

My two favourite jokes.

My cousin told me this ‘knock knock’ joke when I was five years old:

– Knock knock

– Who’s there?

– Bumblebee

– Bumblebee who?

– Bumblebee cold if you don’t pull your pants up.

The next joke was voted the second funniest of all time by a panel of experts. It’s my favourite:

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were going camping. They pitched their tent under the stars and went to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night Holmes woke Watson up and said: “Watson, look up at the stars, and tell me what you see.”

Watson replied: “I see millions and millions of stars.”

Holmes said: “and what do you deduce from that?”

Watson replied: “Well, if there are millions of stars, and if even a few of those have planets, it’s quite likely there are some planets like earth out there. And if there are a few planets like earth out there, there might also be life.”

And Holmes said: “Watson, you idiot, it means that somebody stole our tent.”


Let me know your favourite jokes, and please keep them clean.

Jonathan K Benton

Politics – it's a touchy subject. Jonathan K Benton

campbell newmanThe recent pay rises given to Queensland MPs is disgraceful. This is not an article about left/right politics. All sides of the political spectrum in Australia have, at one time or another, proven themselves inept. It’s easy for the opposition to declare that they’ll donate the increased portion of their salaries – until I see evidence that this is consistently happening then, to me, it’s just a political stunt.

Politicians are meant to serve the people. They are supposed to have strong wholesome ideals and an unwavering ability to do what’s right. Whatever way I look at it, and whatever side of the political spectrum my leanings might be, the pay rise ‘handed down by the independent commission’ (the pollies keep repeating this, as though it’s some sort of defence) is wrong. Cost of living is sky rocketing – good people who work long hours might not even receive a rise this year. The Queensland Government have made a bunch of people redundant in the name of saving money, and those public servants who managed to keep their jobs will be lucky to receive a 2 per cent pay rise.

Premier Newman’s 22 per cent pay rise (or 68k) is enough to put one more police officer on the street or another teacher in an overcrowded school. Surely he can live on his previous salary of 311k plus perks. Some might argue that we need to pay our politicians top dollar to attract the best. Politicians are already paid well, and I would like to believe most of them enter politics to make a difference. Or is money their only true motivator? If it is, we’re lost.

Writing tip – Show don’t tell.

Politicians need to learn this one too – in a different way. ‘Show don’t tell’ is writing 101. I found this link because I’m strapped for time. Read it and be reminded. Telling is okay, by the way. Sometimes it’s necessary to maintain pace. Just don’t ‘tell’ the important parts.